About Crouch Environmental Services, Inc.

Crouch Environmental Services, Inc., founded by Kay and Greg Crouch, operated for 25 years as a professional environmental consulting and public involvement firm beginning in 1994. In early 2019, a buyout of the company was completed.

Kay and Greg Crouch currently provide Independent External Peer Review services for major public infrastructure projects throughout the US.


Kay Crouch

Kay Crouch co-founded Crouch Environmental Services, Inc. (CESI) in 1994. The company provided wetland delineation, permitting and mitigation, environmental site assessment, public involvement, and other general environmental consulting services to a variety of clients in private industry as well as local, state and federal agencies. Ms. Crouch has over 40 years of experience performing wetland investigations, including delineations in accordance with the 1987 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Wetlands Delineation Manual. She has procured dozens of Clean Water Act Section 404 permits and Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certifications (404/401 permits), and is a specialist in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The company has completed well over 1,000 environmental projects since its start-up in 1994. In addition to her environmental expertise, Ms. Crouch is a communications specialist and has received numerous awards, including numerous national Telly Awards for project-related informational video products.


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Greg Crouch

Mr. Crouch has over 40 years of experience conducting biological assessments, including wetland delineations and endangered species surveys. He has significant permitting and regulatory liaison experience, including USACE Section 404/401 permits for major development projects. His primary expertise is in the design and creation of wetland mitigation sites, including saline, estuarine and freshwater wetlands. He has also performed hundreds of environmental site assessments (Phase I and II), prepared Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs), Spill Prevention Plans, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) plans, prepared and reviewed numerous NEPA documents (Environmental Assessments [EAs], Environmental Impact Statements [EISs], and Categorical Exclusions [CEs]), and performed a wide variety of general environmental consulting services for both private and public-sector clients.

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